You’re missing out on opportunities because of this

Let’s have a real talk about something that might be sneaking into your business and causing a bit of a traffic jam: people-pleasing.

You might not consciously realise it, but you’ve probably experienced this before (or still very much present in your life and biz..)

You’re second-guessing every move, too nervous to make a bold statement, or to take a stand because you don’t want to rock the boat or push followers away. So, instead, you play it safe, trying to cater to everyone, and end up connecting with… no one.

It’s like trying to be everyone’s flavour of the month, only to end up being a flavour so bland that no one remembers.

And we know we all don’t wanna be people pleasers, but the tricky part is—how do you even discern people-pleasing disguised as being overly accommodating? 

You’re so focused on making everyone happy that you end up losing that genuine connection you could be making with a smaller, but more engaged (and possibly, revenue-generating) audience. You’re spreading yourself thin, and instead of making an impact, you’re just blending into the background. Or Lady Whistledown may call it, a wallflower.

News flash (but not really), my friend, you're doing a good job of watering down your message, and it’s costing you the real, loyal clients who would actually invest in you.

Another news flash – this has definitely happened to me too, and one of the main reasons why I decided to do a brand refresh this year. And because we don't gatekeep here, so from one recovering people-pleaser to another, here's how you can flip the script:

  • Don’t be afraid to speak to a smaller group. You’re not missing out on bigger opportunities—you’re creating connections with a tight-knit crew who are genuinely interested.

  • Share your bold, unique opinions. Trust me, your authenticity will act like a magnet for the people who truly vibe with your message. Those are the people who will stick around.

  • It’s okay to say NO to opportunities that don’t align with your core vision. Turning something down isn’t a loss; it’s making space for the real message you’re here to share. For example, I don’t just make logos—I believe in building each project from the ground up so it can perfectly capture your brand’s essence and  thrive with the right message at its heart.

When you let go of the need to please everyone and zero in on being part of your clients’ conversations they have with themselves, you’ll find your business transforming in amazing ways. Quality over quantity, my friend—it’s where the real impact happens.

So, ditch the people-pleasing, embrace being specific, and trust me—your business will thank you for this bravery. Authenticity is sexy!

Always in your corner,



My *honest* thoughts