A major heart-drop after a project presentation
Let me paint you a picture, my friend.
You’re fresh off a client call, your heart still racing with that familiar excitement—you’ve pitched them this amazing concept, the one you’ve spent hours, maybe days, crafting to perfection.
You’re sure it’s going to land, it has to—the colours, the vision, everything feels just right. You’re already picturing the final result, imagining how stoked they’ll be. You send it out for a revision, and then…
They send you an email. They’re polite, but the message is clear: this isn’t it. It’s not what they envisioned, not what they thought they needed.
And suddenly, you’re left staring at your screen, feeling like all the energy and heart you poured in just… well, to a literal “never” land.
And I get it. Back in the early stages of my business, this used to really throw me off. I’d be sitting there, staring at the feedback, feeling like I had missed the mark entirely. Feeling all defensive.
I’d wonder where I went wrong, questioning every step, replaying the conversations in my head. Was it something I said? Did I misread what they wanted?
But here’s what I’ve come to realise—those missteps? Those moments where things don’t quite click? They’re not failures; they’re redirections.
Or, what Ross would call, “PIVOT!” Every single “no” or “it’s not it” gives you the opportunity to discover a new path that could potentially be “it.” It’s simply another part of the puzzle.
A part of the problem we’re actually here to solve for the people we want to serve.
So, when a project doesn’t hit right away, or you’re halfway through and you feel that misalignment, it’s not a sign to panic—it’s a signal that you’re refining.
You’re learning what works, what doesn’t, and, most importantly, you’re getting closer to serving your clients in a way that truly resonates.
It can be frustrating, sure. It’s messy and can feel like such a blow to the ego. But every time you hit that disconnect, it’s your chance to PIVOT and get closer to the heart of what you’re offering.
You’re getting clearer on who you are, what your brand stands for, and how to better connect with the people who need you.
It stings when things don’t go perfectly. I know, coming from a recovering perfectionist! But when that happens, remind yourself—it’s just another step.
Another layer you’re peeling back to reveal the brand, the business, and the person you’re meant to be.
Always in your corner,