My *honest* thoughts

Ever feel like you’re wearing way too many hats, and your brain’s basically turned into a browser with a million tabs open? (yup, kinda like the ones on your screen right now.) And suddenly, you’re hit with that overwhelming feeling creeping in, like you’re losing a piece of yourself in the chaos?

If you’re nodding along, same. I’ve been there. And still find myself in the same space most days.

Starting Kaaio Studio when my little boy was still 4 months old and navigating the new territory of marriage with a kid— yeah, that was a lot, and still sometimes feel like it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m beyond grateful and truly blessed to be where I am, but let’s be real—it isn't all rainbows and butterflies. It’s been a beautiful mix of joy, exhaustion, excitement, feeling like time is going too fast, and of course, overwhelm.

To help paint the picture, let me give you a glimpse of my work day:

It starts with getting my little guy ready for daycare, squeezing in some morning giggles (and maybe a few “where’s your other shoe?!” or “are you sure you don’t need to pee?” moments) before diving into work. 

Then, it’s about six hours of straight hustle—designing brand concepts, creating content, recording videos, and keeping up with my goals and gals. Somewhere in there, I’ve got a brand sprint due, and my inbox is waving at me like, “Hey, don’t forget about me!” Then, by 3 PM, it’s mom mode again, picking up my kid and trying to be fully present while my mental to-do list keeps growing.

And here’s the thing—through all of this, I sometimes feel like I’m losing sight of the person I was before all these roles: before I became a business owner, a wife, a mom.

That girl with all the creative dreams and love her quiet moments? She feels a little far away sometimes.

I read somewhere that your 30s is all about rediscovering what you love as a 13 year old and doing it again. And now on hindsight, I realised that she’s also the reason I started all of this in the first place. 

Because I’m not just a mom, or a wife, or a business owner—I’m still me. The 13-year-old dreamer who loves singing, theatre productions, arts, and burying my face in romcom books. And I’ve gotta keep that part of me alive. So, I am continuously learning to carve out small moments just for myself, for that 13-year-old girl.

That’s the core we’re looking for, right? In our business, when we're juggling so many roles—from CEO to social media manager, content creator to administrator, and even accountant— the core can often be what gets lost in the mix.

When you’re spreading thin and trying to manage every aspect for your business, it’s easy to lose sight of that central focus, the big WHY.

That’s why it’s so important to find the core of your WHY, and integral to always keep it at the forefront of everything we do. Our WHY acts like an anchor that keeps us in place and in check when everything else can feel like all hell broke loose.

At the end of the day, branding your business is just like understanding your core as a person. It’s about building a solid foundation that keeps your whys, no matter how many hats you’re wearing. 

Your brand is the compass that guides your business. It helps you set your direction and, and more importantly, stay on course.

So, if you’re now finding peace with your branding (or yourself) or elevating it as we speak, huge cheers to you! 🎉 

It’s such a rewarding feeling to see you thriving alongside your business. When you’re aligned with your brand and its core, you’re not just building something successful—you’re also growing as a person! 💪

Always in your corner,

Valerie 😊

PS: If you’ve been thinking about this for a while now, maybe it’s time for you to translate your growth as a person into your business. You can hit reply, or message me here for clarity. I'm rooting for you! 


You’re missing out on opportunities because of this


You’re exactly where you needed to be