You’re exactly where you needed to be

We’ve been talking a lot about business and branding, but life isn’t all that. It’s got some other fun stuff, and twist and turns. So I thought, I’d do something different today.

So, picture this: a young teenage girl growing up in the Philippines, and when she was 16, her whole family decided to move to New Zealand.

And though it’s in a new place, the Asian weight of making her parents proud, especially career-wise, still weighed heavily on her shoulders (IYKYK).

But the young me was also a bit rebellious towards stereotypes and traditions, and always up to try something new - from singing competitions to theatre productions, I’ve done it all.

And when I learned about Art & Design in high school, I jumped on it. Say less, if you will!

By the end of high school, I was faced with two choices; pursue med, or study graphics design like my brother.

And being a high achiever yet people pleaser that I was.

Packed my bags. Travelled 1.5 hours on the road. Moved into a hall. Then, started my pre-med journey.

Long story short, yup, that didn’t work out.

As much as I love having chemistry with people, the big “C” Chemistry was not ‘it’ for me. Cue the self-doubt, skepticism, and living up to expectations.

I still had this burning desire to prove to myself (and everyone else) that I could totally crush it in med, just on a different route.

So I pivoted to Psychology, moved back in with my parents in Wellington, and started in a new University halfway through the year.

I definitely felt like Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls. There were no mean girls, just eating lunch alone minus sitting on a toilet.

Fast forward to the best part.

Met my boyfriend (now, husband!) in my last year of university. Got married a day after the COVID lockdown, and along came my little guy, who is the main inspiration to why I started my business and the reason why we’ve incorporated an impact initiative in our studio.

My family truly is what has brought me to Kaaio Studio, and is keeping me going!

So why am I sharing this with you?

From a self-doubting teenage girl to the founder of a successful boutique studio (I’ve never expected this, really)

It’s kinda funny, isn’t it? There’s this notion that once you start a family, your career has to take a backseat. Or, that we have to figure everything out or have a clear picture of our lives by the time we are 25 years old (I’m 30, if you’re wondering).

But for me? That’s when everything really started to fall into place, both in my career and life.

Looking back, it’s wild to think about how far I’ve come. There were so many moments of doubt, ​of feeling lost, of wondering if I’d ever figure it all out.

But now, with Kaaio Studio and my son growing side by side, I realise that sometimes, the path ​we least expect leads us exactly where we need to be.

Maybe that whole pre-med chapter was exactly what needed to happen to bring me here. Life ​has this sneaky way of guiding you to where you’re meant to be, even if the path is winding and ​unexpected.

And if you’re ever feeling like life has thrown you off course, leaving you with no options, and ​you’re struggling to make it work for your business and dreams.

Just remember—maybe, just maybe, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, ready to ​create something extraordinary.

And whatever roller coaster ride you’re in, I know you’ve got this, . The best is yet to ​come 💕

Always in your corner,

Valerie 😊

PS: You can learn a thing or two about me here!


My *honest* thoughts